July 9, 2011

Spicy Chef Cruise Radio

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We made this a while back. Don’t really remember what all is on it. Let us know what you like and whatnot and we’ll try and tell you what you’re listening to. Enjoy

Tony & Joe

Bonaroo 2009 by Olivia Burd

View of Roo

View of Roo

“I wish this was how the real world operated,” she said. My friend was referencing the freedoms and nuances of Bonaroo. Every so often the crowd of dirty hippies, wannabes, college students, and wierdos alike trying to enter into Centeroo began to scream BONAROOOOso loudly that security guards “gave up” and let us all in without checking bags. The concerts start at midday and end at 4 in the morning. Drug dealers trek to the ‘Roo for their annual mecca of loyal clientele. One of my favorite parts of ‘Roo was the disregard for bathing and hygiene; there’s really no need when camping on a farm for 4 days. 2009′s festival proved to hold up with a line up of Bruce (the Boss), Beastie Boys (feat. Nas), Snoop (feat. Erykah Badu), and Phish, but my favorite acts tended to be the names not in bold. Jenny Lewis is a favorite of mine and her show was soulful and twangy like I like it. The Next Messiah is 3 songs in one = kickin, and Elvis Costello came out to play Carpetbagger. Andrew Bird was more phantasmal with his ghostly whistling and weeping violin. A gigantic fake gramophone spun around whenever the loops picked up and the orchestral feeling crescendo-ed. Another experience I’ll never forget was GIRL TALK. So much toilet paper, so many crazies onstage, and too much base for a 3rd-rower like myself. My friends all pushed onto the stage, but sadly I was lame, and stayed on the ground. I heard MGMT was epic, but that was Saturday night when I accidentally fell asleep at 12 instead of going to the 2 am show. Animal Collective and Bon Iver were pleasant surprises. TV on the Radio, Wilco, and David Byrne rocked as usual, and Al Green, well he is my special Reverend “Soul Man” from Memphis–I love that man with all my heart, even when his eyes bug out on the high notes. If you ever find yourself in the Southeast in June, Bonaroo is The Place to be.

Jenny Lewis, Black Sand video

Animal Collective, My Girls intro

“Keep it Hid” by Dan Auerbach Album Review by Matt Arnold

Akron Ohio may not seem like the coolest music city in America. For years the most successful Akron export was none other than the science fiction riddled music of Devo. Yet as of recently Akron has been put back on the map for a completely different type of music. The garage rock duo The Black Keys have been lighting up the charts for the past ten years with their unique, stripped down style of blistering blues rock. The driving force behind The Black Keys is the guitarist/vocalist Dan Auerbach. While Jack White grabs most of the headlines for the resurgence of blues rock, Auerbach is his dour, lesser known, and arguably cooler counterpart. The difference is White relies heavily on showmanship, while Auerbach lets his music do the talking. His first solo album “Keep it Hid” should, in essence, be called “Keep it Simple”. For years Auerbach has excelled in taking very similar blues riffs and creating entire albums that never begin to sound stagnate. The album “Keep it Hid” starts with the sparse acoustic “Trouble Weighs a Ton” and ends with the Beatles gone Blues “Goin’ Home”. In between the listener is given both the expected, up tempo,  Black Keys like garage rock in “Street Walkin’ “ , and the unexpected, softer, more nuanced “When the Night Comes”. The album may sound simple at first, yet Auerbach is able to switch sounds more often than on any of his previous work. While Keys fans may miss the thundering percussion of Patrick Carney, they will no doubt be impressed at the expansion of Auerbach’s sound. This album shows that while Auerbach may have made a crossroads deal in Northeast Ohio, he is far from a one trick pony.

A Review of Black Star’s “Mos Def & Talib Kweli Are Black Star”


New York's finest! Reporting for duty.

As a fan of both Mos Def and Talib Kweli in regards to their creativity and messages they spread throughout their songs, I was more than excited when I found out they had released an album together. Both of these MC’s exude nothing but the utmost success in association to their individual careers. However, listening to them on this album gave me a greater appreciation of their ability to coexist with each another so beautifully. The lyricism of both these MC’s combined with the beats produced by DJ Hi-Tek pave the way to an album that showcases the talents of two MC’s who share a deep motivation and passion for music.

My favorite tracks from the album include “Definition” and Respiration”. Every song on the album focuses on different topics whether relating to modern-day issues, philosophical ideas, or just every day life. To be honest, I was skeptical when I had first bought this album. I did not know what to expect and the reputation of both Mos Def and Talib Kweli was what drew me into buying this album in the first place. After listening to the whole album, I realized that the $9.99 I had spent had clearly paid off. These two artists are like peanut butter and pickles. You think they will not go well together but they create a delicious sensation as soon as you put them together.

If you asked me to list the top 10 all time hip-hop/rap duos, Milli Vanilli would be #1 and Black Star would come in at a close second.


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“Rebel Rebel Radio” April 20th by Rebel Rebel

“Drive Time” Shadow Dancer
“Bad Runner” Brodinski
“Synthesise (No Voodoo Version” Simian Mobile Disco
“Runark (Jokers of the Scene Remix Philippe Edit) Congorock
”Get’em, Junior” Bobmo
“Landlines” Shadow Dancer
“Worth it pt.1” Zombie Nation
“Trans Boulogne Express” Birdy Nam Nam
“Hello” AC Slater
“Day n’ Nite (Rusko’s Big Trombone Remix)” Kid Cudi
“Midnight Request Line” Skream
“Pro Nails (Rusko Remix)” Kid Sister
“Midnight” Bar 9

Check out Rebel Rebel (Phillipe Gagnon and Alex Weidner) on MySpace

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“Spicy Chef/Kruse Radio” April 20th by Tony Bredehoeft and Joe Kruse

“Islands on the Coast” Band of Horses
“Let’s Stay Together” Al Green
“A Place in Line” Appleseed Cast
“Blue Ridge Mountains” Fleet Foxes
“Big Sur” The Thrills
“ROckin’ Down the Highway” The Doobie Brothers

“Attica Arnie’s Rhythm & Blues Show” April 20th by Matt Arnold

“Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag (Pt. 1)” James Brown
“Bright Side of the Road” Van Morrison
“Live With Me” The Rolling Stones
“Tragic” JJ Grey and Mofro
“10 A.M. Automatic” The Black Keys
“Sweet Soul Music” Arthur Conley
“Top Yourself” The Racontuers
“Boom Boom” John Lee Hooker
“Little Wing” Jimi Hendrix
“Summertime” Janis Joplin

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“Soul Tunes” April 20th by Adam Alvarez

“What’s Goin On?” Marvin Gaye
“Show and Tell” Al Wilson
“I’m so Tired of Being Alone” Al Greene
“Darling Dear” The Jackson 5
“You’re the First, the Last, My Everything” Barry White
“Sur Duke” Stevie Wonder
“Sitin’ on the Dock on the Bay” Otis Redding
“If I Can’t Have You” Yvonne Eliman
“Love Train” O’ Jays

“Spicy Chef/Kruse Radio” April 9th by Tony Bredehoeft and Joe Kruse

“Born to Please” Sound Team
“Care of Cell 44″ The Zombies
“My My, Hey Hey (Out of the Blue)” Neil Young
“The Next Time Around” Little Joy
“Broken Afternoon” Helio Sequence
“Who’s Gonna Save My Soul?” Gnarls Barkley
“Traverse Wine” The Donkeys
“I Buried a Bone” Blind Pilot

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“Mashups and Mixes” April 9th by Shannon Culhane

“Poke Her Face” Kid Cuddi ft. Kanye & Common
“Party and Bullshit Ratatat Remix” Nororious B.I.G.
“Can I Kick It Like That” Pharrell vs. A Tribe Called Quest
“Dat New New Mashup” DJ Fergie Ferg
“Forgot About Severn Nation Army” DJ Fegie Ferg
“I’m Your Lollipop” DJ Fergie Ferg
“W.A.L.E.D.A.N.C.E.” Wale ft. Justice

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